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We could not put on our events without our wonderful volunteers! Our volunteers support school events each year including the Book Fair which raises money for the Library, the Run For Education which is a district initiative, eyesight and hearing testing, school pictures, assemblies, and more.
Additionally, our volunteers serve as Room Parents, helping to facilitate volunteers and events for each class and assist/support the teachers.
Our volunteers also support our school during Lunch and Recess, helping our children stay safe and play fair.
If you would like to sign up to donate a single day or a recurring contribution of your time to help out as a lunchtime volunteer, please contact the school office. 


Want to get more involved in our school community? Complete the following interest form!  

Clearance Required

All Rancho Romero volunteers must register through the SRVUSD online volunteer management system (VMS).
If you have completed the volunteer registration process and are an approved field-trip driver, please note that your driver's license and insurance information need to remain current. Please log into the VMS to make sure that your information is valid.