Rancho Romero Education Fund
Why do we need Annual Giving Donations, and where does all of that money go at Rancho?
Why do we need Annual Giving Donations, and where does all of that money go at Rancho? ![]()
Why do we need Annual Giving Donations, and where does all of that money go at Rancho?
This year at Rancho Romero, the Rancho Romero Education Fund is committed to funding music, art, reading, math, lunchtime sports, and classroom aides. These programs are NOT funded by our district.
We are also very excited to announce that beginning this Fall, RREF is sponsoring an After School Enrichment Program, offering after-school classes for all students (TK-5th grade) covering sports, language, math, sewing, and more! Enrollment will begin in mid-August.
Without the additional funding from our families, we wouldn’t be able to offer these programs to our children and further enrich their education.
RREF has committed to spending $1,500+ per Rancho student this school year.

A Special Thank You to our Gala Sponsors!
Annual Giving Campaign
Annual Giving Campaign
Annual Giving Campaign
For the 2024-2025 school year, your child will get access to these RREF-funded programs & people:
- Classroom paraprofessional aides, who work in each teacher’s classroom, following the lead of the teacher to work with students in small group instruction, support Reading and Writing Workshops, Math Centers, and more.
- A certified music teacher and music materials to run a weekly music lesson for every class at Rancho this school year.
- Additional hours for the Library Media Coordinator. All classes will visit the library weekly and the library will be open 2 days a week during lunch recess.
- Reading specialists to run interventions with all Rancho students not meeting grade-level standards - 5 days/week.
- A math specialist and an instructional assistant for math to run our math program managing math interventions and extensions, working with small groups of students, and giving teachers more time to work on math in small groups.
- An instructional assistant for Art and art materials to run a weekly art lesson in the art classroom for every class at Rancho this school year and the art room will be open 2 days a week during lunch recess.
- An instructional assistant for Writing.
- Noontime Sports - 4 days/week
- Teacher on Special Assignment, who will help provide teachers with small group support.
- Teacher on Special Assignment Admin.
We have 345 hours per week of classroom paraprofessionals, certified music, reading, writing, and math specialists, additional library hours, noontime sports, and instructional assistant time supporting our Rancho staff because of the Rancho Romero Education Fund. Your support really makes a difference!
Donate Today!
Corporate Matching
Double Your Gift to Our School!Corporate Matching![]()
Double Your Gift to Our School!
Corporate Matching
Submit your company information to us, and we will guide you through the matching process.
You may need the following information:
- Rancho Romero Education Fund
- TAXID# 91-1796297
- Address:
Rancho Romero Education Fund
180 Hemme Rd. Alamo, CA 94507 - Your donation receipt
- Confirmation of the Ed Fund's Tax Status
Submit information or questions to: ranchomatchinggifts@gmail.com
Discounts from Minted
Discounts from Minted
Discounts from Minted
Shop stationery, art, gifts, school supplies, home decor, holiday cards, and more at Minted!
Use Code FUNDRAISERROMERO to save 20% on your order and Minted will donate 15% back to Rancho!
2024-2025 Meetings
2024-2025 Meetings![]()
2024-2025 Meetings
Meetings are held the following Fridays at 8:05 a.m. in the Rancho Library:
- August 23
- September 20
- October 25
- December 6
- January 24
- February 21
- April 25
- May 16
All meetings are currently held on campus and all members of RREF (any Rancho parent/guardian who has contributed any financial amount to the Fund) are welcome to attend.
RREF is a registered non-profit organization 501(c)(3). Our Taxpayer ID Number is 91-1796297. 100% of funds donated to RREF are used for educational and enrichment programs, equipment, and materials to improve the quality of learning at Rancho Romero Elementary School.